Hero Hill Questions/Answers

 How to use this guide

The format here is Event Name then Answer 1 followed by the reward and then Answer 2 followed by the reward. Where the event name is shown below. 

These are in alphabetical order by the event name. If there are any missing or you have the reward information to the ones marked with “???” then please feel free to OmgRawr#6578 with the event name, answer, and the reward.  


Bitter Watermelon

Calm down and buy the Watermelon - 100 Logs

Stay away from him - 2x Rare Fossils

Caravan SOS

Ask him to stay - 1x Ancient Hero Soul

Decline politely - 20 Wild Mushroom

Cooling Required

Take the fan - 100 Wild Mushroom

Just keep going - 20 Mystery Ore

Dangerous Trap

Sacrifice him - 1x Feast Capture Voucher

Not yet - 20 Mystery Ore

Everything has a soul    

Take it with you - 1x Pet Skill Voucher

Leave quietly - Lv 8 Gem

Fairytale Encounter

I'll definitely buy it - 2x Wish Coin

I have campfire - 2x Rare Fossils

Fantasy Experience

Try your best to help - 1x Ruins map

There's nothing you can do - 20 Mystery Ore

Food Emergency

Show appreciation - 100 Weeds

Choose not the believe - 10 sf

Honey-fruit Juice

You love me! - 100 Ore

I love you! - 1x Shell statue

Hot Air Balloon Trip 

Charge forward - 1x Tasty Seed

Blurry sight - 1x Shell Statue

Kind Peoples Problems

Share the food - 100 Mystery Ore

You're Out of Food - 20 Logs

Legit Product

Better believe it - 1x Shell statue         

Beat him up - Moblin Egg

Master's Relic

Try to pull the sword out - 1x Pet Skill Voucher

Leave quietly - 20 Weeds

Pick Mushroom Together 

I'm a professional - 2x EXP Statue

Decline indirectly - 10 Starfish

Reach the Peak

Gain courage - Slow Run Card

Slack off - Exhaustion Card

Read More

Reading is better - Lv 10 Gem

I hate reading - 20 Logs

Random Relative

Oldest uncle - 30 sf

Second youngest uncle - Lv8 Gem

Street Rumor 

Shocked - 4x Temper Vouchers

The watermelon is rotten - 1x Hunting Note

Trial of Honesty

Gold Pickaxe - Magnifying Glass

Silver Pickaxe - 20 Wild Mushroom

Note: After this event, it seems that you get River Spirit's Reward for either answer.

Territory Invasion 

Let's negotiate - 20 Weeds

Hammer him - 1x Crystal Voucher

Wandering Poet

Accept happily - 1x Skill Voucher

Decline - 1x Shell Statue

Wang Next Door

Accept happily - Unknown Spell Card

Decline in a cold-blooded way - 10 Hero Coins

Weather report

Active bravely - 10 Hero Coins

Look for shelter - 1x Hunting Note

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